Stage 2/Theory & Informations

[BBC NEWS] Leukaemia cells 'killed quicker'

Acidrain 2010. 6. 3. 16:55


Leukaemia cells before and after treatment
The team examined leukaemia cells before (left) and after treatment

Leukaemia cells 'killed quicker'

The team examined leukaemia cells before (left) and after treatment

Scientists have claimed to have found a way of killing leukaemia cells quicker and more effectively.

The Simon Flavell Research Laboratory in Southampton used a compound from the common gypsophila plant to break down the membrane of the leukaemia cells.

This allows antibodies with toxins to penetrate and kill the cells.

But the team admits it is unclear what effect the treatment may have on humans and any drug would take at least three years and cost millions to develop.

But the researchers at the charity-funded laboratory say there has already been interest from pharmaceutical companies.

The team collaborated with scientists in Berlin who had been using the gypsophila plant in tests to treat breast cancer.

'Very exciting'

A compound from the plant, called saponin, creates holes in the cells after being absorbed.

Special anti-bodies with toxins attached can then be introduced which penetrate the leukaemia cells and kill them much faster.

In the first experiment, the team say 99.9% of the cells died within hours.

The scientists said the first results were so surprising they thought their equipment had broken.

Dr David Flavell
Dr David Flavell hopes the technique can be used in humans

But over the past year, the team have repeated the experiment dozens of times claiming to have seen the same results.

Last week they presented their findings at one of the world's biggest cancer conferences, organised by the American Association for Cancer Research in Washington.

Husband and wife team Dr David and Dr Bee Flavell, who set up the laboratory in Southampton General Hospital 20 years ago when their son Simon died of leukaemia, made the presentation.

They believe the discovery could open the way for new kinds of treatment for leukaemia.

Dr David Flavell said: "I think it is very exciting.

"This will allow us to do things I think which we were not able to do before in patients.

"It will open up a whole new revolution in this kind of antibody therapy - if we can make it work in people."

About 500 children a year are diagnosed with leukaemia - which is a cancer of the blood.

Many of them need chemotherapy which can be debilitating and also dangerous.

Ollie Uglow, 11, from Southampton, underwent five months of chemotherapy for leukaemia two years and nearly died.

His mother Lyndsey welcomed any progress in treating the condition.

She said: "He had pneumonia, he lost his sight for almost a week and he was in terrible pain.

"You never think it's going to happen to you but ultimately it landed in our home and we had to go through it and have him treated."

석죽과 한해살이 식물인 안개꽃(학명: gypsophila paniculata)에 백혈병 치료에 혁명을 불러올 수 있는 강력한 항암물질이 들어있다는 연구결과가 나왔다고 영국의 BBC인터넷판 등이 29일 보도했다.

영국 사우샘프턴 종합병원 백혈병연구소는 안개꽃에 들어있는 사포닌(saponin)이라는 분자가 백혈병세포에 흡수된 뒤 암세포 막에 구멍을 뚫어 항암제가 들어가기 쉽게 만들어 항암제의 효능을 "100만배 이상" 증폭시킨다고 밝혔다.

따라서 독소가 첨가된 항체를 이 분자와 함께 투여하면 백혈병세포를 뚫고 들어가 훨씬 빨리 암세포를 죽일 수 있다고 연구팀을 이끈 데이비드 플라벨(David Flavell) 박사는 밝혔다.

첫 실험에서는 이 항체가 주입된 지 몇 시간 안에 백혈병세포의 99.9%가 죽은 것으로 나타났다.

연구팀은 이 결과에 너무 놀라 실험장비가 손상된 것으로 의심했으나 수십 번 실험을 반복해도 똑같은 결과가 나왔다고 플라벨 박사는 밝혔다.

그는 이 새로운 치료법이 백혈병만이 아니라 많은 다른 종류의 암에도 효과가 있을 가능성이 크다고 말했다.

이 실험결과는 임상시험을 통해 확인하려면 앞으로 3-5년이 걸릴 것이라고 그는 덧붙였다.

플라벨 박사는 20년 전 아들 사이먼이 백혈병으로 죽자 백혈병연구협회(Leukemia Busters)를 만들어 백혈병 치료법을 연구해 오다가 사우샘프턴 종합병원에 백혈병연구소를 차렸다.

이 연구결과는 지난주 미국 워싱턴에서 열린 미국암연구학회(American Association for Cancer Research) 연례회의에서 발표되었다. (연합뉴스)

흥미로운 기사라서 퍼왔음.


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