Fuel for life

YES "Homeworld"

Acidrain 2010. 2. 8. 22:07

Nothing can take us far enough Emotion... far enough together
As the light shines so bright Bright enough to let us in

Nothing can bridge our souls. Devotion... fast enough together
As the power proves you right Right enough to let you begin


So many displaced among the future dreamers Realised their doubles
Took a new step A question of origin

Only in the recent past Seeking for to realise
Skyward shone Like beacons A question of origin


Ten thousand millions free To the westward light

The dreamers represent This arc of peace

As the poets entranced The anchor redeemed Secrets of science
The history of the future Was surely made

Just what keeps us so alive Just what makes us realise
Our home Is our world, our life
Home is our world


Nothing can take us far enough Emotion... far enough together
As the light shines so bright Bright enough to let us in

Nothing can bridge our souls Devotion... fast enough together
As the power proves you right Right enough to let you begin


Speak so fast to the prophets Of the living
Looking for the signs
Spanning out the centuries Search for truth

Ancient ones... they watch And listen Carry our wishes...
Took upon themselves to guide us Through the endless skies

Just what keeps us so alive Just what makes us realise
Our home Is our world, our life
Our hope is our world, our life


I have seen the passion That's in the hope that everyone
Will find their way into The secret of The home of your heart


Living within the vision Within the power, beyond belief
We see that hate destroys the soul Of anyone who tries to teach it


I have seen the dream
That's in your heart That's in your eyes
To bring you closer to the one

It. s what keeps us so alive
It's what makes us realise
Our home is our world, our life
Just what keeps us so alive
Just what makes us realise
Our home Is our world, our life
Home is our world, our life


Send, ascending to the secrets
All is pure and clear to resolve
Nothing can change us now
Send, ascending to the future
Nothing can ever change us now
We follow the sun
We follow the sun
We follow the sun


Truth is a simple place
Here for us all to see
Reach as it comes to you
As it comes to me
As I will always need you inside my heart

Peace is a word we teach
A place for us all to reach
Sing as it sings to you
As it sings to me
As I will always need you inside my heart

고등학교때 PC방에 처음 등장했던 걸로 기억한다. 그때 당시 울티마온라인이 좀 유행을 타던걸로 기억하는데...
스타도 막 나올때였고.. 당시 피시방 매니아였던 나의 눈에 확 들어온 이 게임.

당시엔 제법 생소한 3D를 전면에 내세운데다 내가 좋아하는 전함물 ㅎ (은하영웅전설도 좋아합니다.ㅎ)
몇 스테이지 좀 해보다가 말았는데...
최근에 검색중 우연히 영상을 보게 되었다.

본 곡은 엔딩에 나온다는 yes의 1999년 ladder앨범에 수록된 homeworld란 곡이다
엔딩을 본 적은 없지만 만일 엔딩을 실제로 본 상태에서 이 곡을 들으면 정말이지 눈물쏟을것 같다는 생각이다.

멸망해버린 행성을 뒤로하고 자신들의 고향을 찾아가는 기나긴 여정, 온갖 고난을 헤치고 마침내 고향땅을 밟을때의
카락인들의 모습에 감정을 이입해보면, 게임도 게임이지만 음악또한 감동을 준다는것.

9분대의 긴 곡이지만 계속들어도 좀처럼 질리지가 않는다.